Talk-Deck Presentation Publishing Plans

Sign up for a free account and you can create and store all the Talk-Decks you want to for 30 days

Sign up for a FREE account and you'll get to try out all the features and capabilities of our top of the line Keynoter account for 30 days. The Keynoter lets you create as many presentations as you want and store up to 10 hours of presentations. At the end of the 30-day trial period, you'll be directed back to this page so you can choose to either keep your FREE account (which still lets you create as many presentations as you want but limits you to 10 minutes of presentation storage), or upgrade to one of our paid accounts which gives you more storage and data transfer options to meet your specific presentation requirements.
Oh and by the way, your 30-day trial begins the day you create your first Talk-Deck, not the day you sign up for your free account. So you can sign up today and have lots of time to plan your first Talk-Deck. Could we be any more accommodating?

When you're ready, there's a presentation publishing plan to meet every presentation need

User Need
Cost Per Month
Presentation Storage
Additional Plan Information  
Additional Storage
Initial Data Transfer
Additional Transfer
Maximum Transfer
Account Type
Post Comments
Statistics Package
for free forever
10 minutes
Presentation Storage
Additional Plan Information  
Additional Storage
Initial Data Transfer
Additional Transfer
Maximum Transfer
Account Type

Post Comments
Online K/B
Statistics Package
When you start
doing more
$ 9
50 minutes
Presentation Storage
Additional Plan Information  
5O minutes/$10
Additional Storage
Initial Data Transfer
Additional Transfer
Maximum Transfer
Account Type
During trial

Post Comments
Statistics Package
For the
$ 29
3 hours
Presentation Storage
Additional Plan Information  
6O minutes/$10
Additional Storage
Initial Data Transfer
Additional Transfer
Maximum Transfer
Account Type
During trial

Post Comments
Phone 9-5 EDT
Statistics Package
When you
make a lot of
$ 99
10 hours
Presentation Storage
Additional Plan Information  
9O minutes/$10
Additional Storage
Initial Data Transfer
Additional Transfer
Maximum Transfer
Account Type
During trial

Post Comments
Phone 9-5 EDT
Statistics Package


For large enterprise, academic, or complex presentation requirements, including: divisional capabilities, multiple homepage and login capability by division, faculty, etc, restricted or layered access, login tracking, secure password access, etc., call 438-288-3501 or email either or and we'll tailor a plan to meet your specific requirements.

Frequently asked questions about pricing

How does your billing work?

For all our paid programs you get the first 30 days free and then we charge you monthly.

What happens if I use more bandwidth than is included?

A great presentation can generate a lot of interest. When yours does we will automatically add bandwidth according to the pricing in your package.? We??ll also send you an email once you have used the first block of additional bandwidth so you know your Talk-Deck is being viewed.

However, if you have a presentation that you have posted as Public and we decide to feature it on the public areas of the Talk-Deck website, any bandwidth used by those views will not be deducted from your bandwidth total.

I am an individual who does a lot of presentations. Can I get a Presenter account?

Yes! Our Personal and Personal + accounts are designed for light users. For users who do lots of presentations the Presenter and Keynoter accounts give you more space, more bandwidth and more control.

Can I upgrade or change my plan after I sign up?

Yes, you can change your plan at any time, just send us the request in the customer care area. If you upgrade, your new Price Plan will take effect immediately and your costs will be pro-rated. If you downgrade, your current plan will remain in effect till the end of your current 30 day period.

I only need a paid account for a couple of months, can I downgrade?

No problem. Just send us an email a few days before the end of your billing cycle.

Do I have to sign a long term contract?

No, Talk-Deck is a pay-as-you-go service. There are no long term contracts and you can cancel at any time. If you cancel, you are billed for the current month, but you won’t be billed again.

What type of payment do you accept?

Currently we accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and Paypal.

Can I use my free Personal or Personal + Account for business?

Yes, no problem. You might find the time and bandwidth caps a bit annoying but if you can work with them we’re delighted you are doing business with Talk-Deck.

However, while you can use either of the Personal accounts for business presentations, you cannot have a Personal or Personal+ account in the name of the business, only in your own name. Only the Presenter and Keynoter accounts can be officially opened as Business accounts and will be verified to ensure that the person opening the account has the right to post presentations on behalf of the business. If you change a Personal Account into a Corporate account, the same verification process will be followed.

Presenter or Keynoter accounts operate in the name of the business.

Our company has a couple of divisions which could use Talk-Deck. Do we need two accounts?

No. Our Keynote account was designed for just this sort of situation. You can have multiple users and, indeed, multiple home pages so that each division can deploy Talk-Deck for its own needs.

Our company requires invoices for payment, can you do that?

Your invoices and account statements are available for viewing and download in your Account Profile under Billing.

I am looking for a solution which will involve 100's of presentations from an upcoming conference, can you help? And what will it cost?

We sure can. We need to know a few details – length of presentations and expected traffic mainly – and then we would be happy to create a Talk-Deck solution which meets your needs. On pricing: as with most things, Talk-Deck gets cheaper the more you buy. Much cheaper in fact. Let us know what you??d like to do and we will provide you with a conference solution.